Overhead Door Company of Brookfield™ Commercial Garage Doors

Superior Performance Garage Doors with Style, and Reliability.

Your commercial garage doors are the gateway to your business. With Overhead Door Company of Brookfield™ commercial garage doors, you are doing more than making a business improvement investment.  It is a part of your businesses image. Rely on us for safety, security and dependable operations, while offering a variety of garage door models to choose from. The Overhead Door Company of Brookfield™ brand provides style and design options to fit every business. ​

There are a few things to consider when determining which new garage door is right for your business including location, climate and building codes. During cold winters and warm summers, an insulated garage door may be right for you considering garage doors often serve as the largest and, in most cases, primary entrance to your business.

Our residential installers are factory trained and have 25 + yrs of experience with our company alone.

Advanced Service Doors

Advanced Service Doors

Aluminum Doors

Aluminum Doors

Fire Doors

Fire Doors

Commercial Sectional

Commercial Sectional

Counter Doors

Counter Doors

High Speed Doors

High Speed Doors

Rolling Doors

Rolling Doors

Security Grilles

Security Grilles

Sheet Doors

Sheet Doors

Security Shutters

Security Shutters

Thermacore Doors

Thermacore Doors

Commercial Motors

Commercial Motors

McGuire Dock Levelers

Special design and quality construction provide the dynamic difference for every model of dock leveler, dock seal, and loading dock light manufactured by McGuire. Top performance begins with the right design. McGuire mechanical logic control and hydraulic cylinders are designed and manufactured specifically for loading dock leveler applications. It is this dedication to detail that provides McGuire levelers, seals, and lights with the highest quality and most dependable operation. Learn More

Autodok® H Series Hydraulic Leveler

HP Hydraulic Leveler

we’ve installed so many

customer approved

Schedule a free estimate!